Friday, March 31, 2017

7 Grams Bakery of Sattler TX

At 7 Grams Bakery, it's all about the dough.  Don't you hate biting into something that looks this good and the dough isn't right.   The Kieth Carney, a professional baker, uses an old Czech recipe and the right flour.  This bakery makes a nice mix of meat pastries and fruit ones.

The bakery is owned by Keith and Becky Carney, and is located on FM 2673, Sattler.  And if you're not from the Canyon Lake area, FM 2673 is seemingly in the middle of no where.  But it's not hard to find.  Just take FM 306 from north New Braunfels off of I-35.  When you past the Guadalupe River and the Whitewater Theater, stop at the first light and turn left.  Voila!  You're on FM 2673.  Keith and Becky moved her a year ago and the place always has cars in front of it.

Displayed below is a sampling of what they make.  And it changes weekly.  You'll never be able to eat it all because something new keeps popping out of the oven.  By the way, they serve only Ruta Maya Coffee out of Austin, both regular and decaf.  You know that most coffee is decaffeinated with chemicals.  Ruta Maya Coffee decaf is chemical free.

Bacon-n-Egg Breakfast Sandwich:

This is one of my favorites!  Keith's special Kolache dough with bacon, egg, and cheddar.  They also make a sausage paddy-n-egg breakfast sandwich.

The Cinnamon Roll:

If I laid a ruler down beside this monster cinnamon roll, it would be 12 inches or more.  Keith loads up on the cinnamon before rolling the dough.  The roll when cut is about 2-3 inches thick and is loaded with too much icing.  There's no such thing as too much icing.  My girlfriend Jewell brought home this monster one morning telling me there was a new bakery in town.  We should have taken two days to eat this roll, but I didn't want to risk it getting stale.  After, I felt like one of the kids on Willie Wonka.  Don't you just want to eat the center out of this first.

Jalapeno-Cheese Country-Sausage Kolache:

That says it all: jalapeno, cheese, sausage, and that great Czech dough baked by yours truly, Keith Carney.

Orange Fruit Roll:

This is the same size as their cinnamon roll, but has orange where the cinnamon goes.  And of course, Keith uses too much icing.  Love too much.  To give you an idea what this tastes like, Pillsbury makes a poor substitute.  If you like Pillsbury's orange rolls, you'll love this stuff.  They make a lemon one as well and that's on my bucket list.

Pan Sausage-n-Cheese Kolache:

Don't you just want to take a bite out of that.  I did.  Pan sausage and cheese are baked in the old Czech recipe dough.  Yum!

Strawberry Fruit Roll:

Like the orange fruit roll, this one has CHUNKS of strawberry in it.  Look at the first picture to see the strawberries.

Country Sausage Kolache:

This one has no cheese or jalapenos, but is quite tasty on its own.  The dough is so good, that I could bite into it with no sausage or bacon.  By the way, they make a bacon kolache too.  The problem was that I ate it before taking a photo.

Fruit Kolaches:

Now I know a purist will comment that these are the only real kolaches and the ones with meat are called something else.  That's like stalagmites to me, I don't care which one is called what, but I do care about taste.  From left clockwise are lemon (and they make their own lemon curd), raspberry, blueberry, orange, strawberry, and whatever (whatever was pretty good as well).

Not pictured: lemon cheesecake kolache!  This is their newest creation.  Go for it.

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